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Wallangarra ODE -

The Wallangarra ODE is run over a weekend with two jumping heights offered on the Saturday and two jumping heights offered on the Sunday.  The ODE is part of the Pony Club WA Leaderboard series.  This fun event includes the riding disciplines of dressage, showjumping and cross-country in the single day's activities.

The ODE is a major fund raiser for the Club and requires a huge volunteer effort by members.  Preparations are started months in advance of the event.  Our Club President, Julie Cameron organises and runs this event.  Sub-Committees are responsible for assisting preparation for the various phases; dressage, showjumping and xc.

Fundraising and sponsorship are also important to the successful running of this event.  The Club has been fortunate to have a strong following of great sponsors.  Please visit our Sponsors page and thanks them for their contribution and utilise their services.

Tetrathlon -

The Wallangarra Riding & Pony Club Tetrathlon is run early in the riding year and is very popular with our riders.  

This event involves swimming, running, shooting (laser) and cross country riding.  Swimming and shooting phases are run off grounds using local facilities.  The running and cross country are completed on grounds.  Riders start training for this event very early in the season (swimming, running, shooting).  Keep a watch on the Facebook page and emails for training events.

Volunteer contribution is required to run this event and the Event Co-ordinator will put a call out for help from member families.

Many of the riders who do the Tetrathlon also purchase individual T-shirts that are used for the running phase of this event. You will notice many riders that have a series of Years embroidered on their T-shirts indicating the years in which they have participated in the event.

Showjumping Events

Wallangarra Riding & Pony Club hold a number of Showjumping events throughout the year.  These events may be run under a variety of the competition tables; commonly Optimum Time, AM5 and AM7 table events.  The showjumping events are specific discipline events.  The heights offered may vary so it is important that riders read the conditions of entry and competition tables on offer.

Showjumping Events scheduled for 2023:

Saturday, 25 February 2023 - Wallangarra Twilight Showjumping

Dressage Events

Wallangarra Riding & Pony Club hold a number of Dressage events during the year.  These events may be either a training format or a competition format.  Dressage events provide an opportunity for riders to test their skills and receive formal feedback.

Dressage Events scheduled for 2023